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What’s the English word for the Chinese food Jiaozi? Perhaps you would say “dumpling”. But in fact, you can just say Jiaozi. It has been added to the Oxford(牛津) English Dictionary.

People in English-speaking countries now understand more Chinese words and their spellings in pinyin, according to a recent report by the CFLPA (中国外文局).

The CFLPA studied 50 media platforms(媒体平台) in eight English-speaking countries, including the US, the UK and India. The report listed the top 100 Chinese words that people in these countries use most.

“Shaolin”, a temple in China that is famous for kungfu, was at the top of the list. Other popular words include “yinyang”, “gugong”, “renminbi”, “majiang”, “dama” and so on.

Some of the words are related(有关系的) not only to Chinese culture, but also politics, economics(经济) and technology. These words include zhongguomeng(Chinese Dream), yidaiyilu(the Belt and Road Initiative) and zhifubao(Alipay).

Why have these words become popular? It may be because of increasing interest in learning Chinese. The Confucius Institute(孔子学院), which offers Chinese lessons, has set up 1073 classrooms in 140 countries and areas, with 2.1 million students.

Chinese products are very popular around the world. For people in many foreign countries, products from China are part of their daily lives and may help them understand China better.

1.The CFLPA listed the top 100 most often used Chinese words by     .

A.interviewing the people B.looking up the dictionary

C.studying 50 media platforms D.asking students of Confucius Institute

2.Many Chinese words have become popular, this may be because     .

A.the CFLPA encourages people to learn Chinese

B.people’s interest in learning Chinese is increasing

C.they have been added to the Oxford English Dictionary

D.Chinese products help people understand themselves better

3.Many Confucius classrooms have been set up around the world, it’s proved that     .

A.more and more foreigners are becoming interested in learning Chinese

B.products from China are popular with foreigners

C.not only Chinese politics but also Chinese words seem more interesting to foreigners

D.The Confucius Institute is the symbol of Chinese culture

4.We can probably read the article in a     .

A.diary B.newspaper C.poster D.poem

