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How often do you get angry? Twice a week or 1. (one)a day? Several months ago, a group of 44 students joined in 2.special activity. Their teacher, Cheng Hong, asked3. (they) and their parents not to lose their temper for 21 days.

During the 21 days, those students and their parents had 4. record their moods every day. They used the"sunny", "cloudy light rain "and "heavy rain" pictures to stand5. their different moods. Most students and their parents thought it was easy 6.first.

However, only one family 7. (keep) their temper for 21 days. Through the activity, Ms. Cheng found that parents were8.(much) likely (可能的) to get angry than their children. "Some students don't know how to control their temper. They often get angry and sometimes even fight with9. (other), she said. “Parents' moods can affect their children's. I hope parents will notice(注意到) the importance of good environment at home and try to control their temper in front 10.their children.

