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Want to know how to be a confident friend-finder? We can help, with four easy steps.

Step 1. Change your mental state.

It’s easy to get so freaked out(不安的)about being in a new situation that you start throwing off don't-come-near-me signals. And guess what? It worked.1.Instead, change your attitude with some positive thinking. Tell yourself: “It’ll be great to get to know someone new”, or “I can’t wait to hear what these girls have to say.”

Step 2. Remember, the eyes have it.

The first place we look at when we’re uncomfortable is the floor. No one can tell if we’re embarrassed. We can’t tell if anyone is looking at us. Whoa!2.Holding your head up and making eye contact is a bold(大胆的)move.It’s confident and friendly.

Step 3.3.

Does starting a communication bring on an attack of shyness? Try adding a good question to your friend-finding tools. Strong opening questions usually begin with “what” or “how” words that get people talking. Typically, our first instinct (本能) is to ask a “can” or a “do” question, like “Can I borrow a pencil?” or “ Do you know where the bathroom is?4.Asking “what” or “how” questions gets you more information to respond to. Try something like “Hi. I really like that flower. How did you draw it?” or “Hi. I’m new. What’s the least scary lunch option in the cafeteria?”

Step 4. Practice, practice, practice.

Making new friends is a skill. 5.But the more you practice, the more relaxed and natural. You’ll feel, and the easier it will get. So flash that smile, offer some welcoming words, and soon you’ll be hanging out with your newest friends!

A. People don’t come near you.

B. All you need is one question.

C. Listen closely to their answers.

D. Not a good way to meet people.

E. The thought of meeting people makes you excited.

F. But that only gets you short answers. Like “Yeah”or “Down the hall”.

G. Like art, music, or sports, it takes practice to feel truly confident of it.

