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Hold Everything You Own!

An old farmer had lived on the same farm all his life. It was really a good farm with fertile soil, but with the passing of the years, the farmer began to think that maybe there was something   _________ for him. Every day he found a new _________ for criticizing some feature of his old farm. Finally, he decided to _________ it. He listed the farm with a broker (经纪人) who quickly   _________an advertisement emphasizing all the _________ of the farm.

When the broker read the ad to the farmer for his _________ of placing it in the local paper, the farmer listened _________ . When the broker had finished, the farmer cried out, “Hold everything. I’ve changed my _________. I’ve been looking for such a place all my life!”

I think you’ll _________ that each of us, from time to time, _________about things such as our home, our car, or our job. As human beings, it is _________ to want the best things in life.

The next time you find yourself _________ the relationship you have with your family, a neighbor or a friend, don’t worry. Human relationships have their ups and downs, so it is natural to _________ at times if you might be better off with someone else. If you ever find yourself in this mood, sit down in a _________ place and write an “obituary (讣告)” for that _________. Experience the powerful emotions that will surely overcome you when you_________ having to sum up a loved one’s life in a few paragraphs that could _________a newspaper obituary. Notice how easy it is to come up with nice things to say about the person. Notice how much _________there “was” in this person. Some day you may actually have to _________ this exercise “for real”, wipe the tears and then go and spend quality time with that person. _________   the moment and realize how lucky you are to have such a person.

1.A. cheaper  B. briefer    C. better     D. easier

2.A. example   B. method    C. place       D. reason

3.A. sell     B. give       C. move       D. admit

4.A. found     B. prepared   C. answered    D. placed

5.A. history  B. sides    C. edges     D. information

6.A. interest   B. sense    C. approval    D. coincidence

7.A. happily  B. carefully   C. proudly     D. nervously

8.A. mind     B. style    C. question    D. suggestion

9.A. prove    B. state    C. agree     D. predict

10.A. worries   B. thinks     C. complains    D. talks

11.A. popular   B. difficult   C. important   D. natural

12.A. analyzing B. forgetting  C. exploiting   D. questioning

13.A. forgive   B. wonder   C. apologize    D. learn

14.A. quiet    B. safe       C. familiar    D. convenient

15.A. scientist B. person   C. farm       D. broker

16.A. imagine B. adopt     C. avoid       D. discuss

17.A. bring in  B. hand out   C. fit in with  D. put up with

18.A. energy   B. power      C. expense    D. goodness

19.A. begin with B. decide on  C. belong to   D. go through

20.A. Enjoy     B. Save      C. Review     D. Expect

