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Once when I was a teenager, my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus(马戏). Finally, there was only one family between the ticket office and us. This family made a big impression on me. There were eight children, their clothes were not expensive but clean. The children were polite, all of them standing in line, two-by-two behind their parents, holding hands. They were excited talking about the clowns, elephants, and all the acts they would see that night. One could feel they had never been to the circus before. The father and mother stood proudly as they could be.

The ticket lady asked the father how many tickets he wanted. He proudly answered, “Please let me buy eight children’s tickets and two adult tickets, so I can take my family to the circus.”

The ticket lady told him the price. The man’s wife let go off her husband’s hands, her head dropped and the man’s lip began to shake. The father leaned a little closer and asked,“how much did you say?”

The ticked lady told him again. The man stayed silent. It’s clear that he didn’t have enough money. But how could he tell his kids the bad news?

We were all silent. My dad put his hand in his pocket, pulled out a$20 bill and dropped it on the ground. I was surprised to see these——our family wasn’t rich, either.

My father reached down, picked up the bill, tapped the man on the shoulder and said, “Excuse me, sir, this fell out of your pocket.”

The man understood what was going on at that time. He looked straight into my father’s eyes, took my dad’s hand in both of his, and in tears he replied, “Thank you, sir, this really means a lot to me and my family.”

My father and I went back to our car and drove home. We didn’t go to the circus that night, but we didn’t regret.

1.From the paragraph1-2, we can know about the family were______________.

A. poor but happy   B. rich but pitiful   C. poor and sad   D. serious and polite

2.Why was the poor man unhappy after he spoke with the ticket lady?

A. He had lost his money.   B. His children were noisy.

C. The tickets were sold out.   D. The tickets were too expensive

3.Who did the $20 note belong to?

A. The poor man.   B. The writer’s father.

C. The poor man’s wife.   D. The ticket lady.

4.The sentence “ This really means a lot to me and my family.” means________.

A. The father got enough money to pay for the tickets.

B. The writer’s father saved him and his family from a difficult situation

C. The children would be proud of their father.

D. The father felt so lucky to meet a warmhearted person.

5.The best title of this passage is_________

A. Go to the circus   B. A family full of love

C. A secret between fathers   D. My father and a $20 bill

