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The story happened in Nazi (纳粹) Germany at the start of World War II. Liesel is a 12-year-old girl who is adopted (领养) by a rich family because her mother can’t afford to take care of her. On the way to her new home, Liesel steals her first book: The Gravedigger’s Handbook, and begins to read.

Her new family hides a Jewish (犹太) man named Max. He becomes friends with Liesel and teaches her to read in secret. Liesel learns more about the power of words. Then she steals the mayor’s (市长的) book and books that the Nazis want to burn up. Finally she writes her own stories.

Australian author Markus wrote this book and it was published in 2005. It soon became worldwide popular and was translated into several languages. It is not the kind of story that makes you cry one moment and laugh the next. Instead, the sadness of Liesel’s story interests you. It makes you understand that such kinds of things have happened to many people.

1.Liesel was born _____________.

A. in a Nazi family   B. in Australia

C. at the start of World War I.   D. in a poor family

2.Liesel can’t ___________ in her new family.

A. steal any books   B. make friends

C. read her own books   D. write her stories

3.From the passage, we know ____________.

A. the book is popular around the world.   B. Liesel’s mother sold her for money

C. the story has a happy ending   D. Max is killed by Nazi

