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As a teenager, you're trying to lean who you are  You're going through mental (精神的)and physical changes.  1.  The good news is that though the teen years are .not easy,  there're skills you can lean to make them a lot easier If you're a teen and trying to manage your feelings better, here are a few skills for you to deal with your feelings.


·What feeling are you experiencing? For example are you sad, stressed: angry joyful or excited?

●Accept what you're feeling.

Many people worry that their feelings will increase.  So they are not willing to accept them hoping that they’ ll just go away  3.  Remind yourself. that it’s OK to feel your feelings.

●Become familiar(熟悉的)with your feelings.

To better understand your feelings, you should pay attention to your feelings all over the. day. You may record how you're feeling in the morning, afternoon and at night on a piece of paper.  4. 

●  Express your feelings.

Expressing a feelings a good way to reduce it. For example ,you can express your feelings by crying,exercising, writing about them   5.  just be sure that whatever activity you choose: it doesn’t hurt you or anyone else

At different times in you'll experience different difficulties But by learning some helpful skills, you’ll be able to live a comfortable life.


A.Name the feeling.

B.However, that's impossible

C.You also can talk to someone you believe in.

D.And write down where you notice it in your body

E.You're dealing with different kinds of stress and trying to succeed in school

