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Cut out meat, lose weight. And, while you're at it, protect your heart, keep away from cancer and live longer.

According to research published by the Academy, vegetarians (素食)have lower body mass indexes(质量指数) than meat-eaters, overweight and fat people who followed a vegetarian diet lost more weight than those who ate meat -- even though both groups used up the same number of calories.

But losing weight and being healthier isn't about simply about eliminating meat, it's about how you replace that meat.

Perhaps those vegetarians fell for these oh-too-common eating mistakes. Here are some tips you need to notice.

●French bread, chips and pretzels are all vegetarian. But no one's saying they're healthy foods. They are packed with calories and sugar.

●If you're doing vegetarian eating, there's no reason to get less protein than you need. For example, they ate 450 fewer calories a day and lost about 11 pounds in 12 weeks.

●A lot of vegetarians -- especially new ones -- worry about skimping on protein. Eat more cheese. Remember, 1 ounce of cheese contains an average of 100 calories and 7 grams of fat.

●"While plant-based smoothies(果昔) can be a healthy choice for enjoying fruits, vegetables and protein. They can add an important calorie load, especially if they are store-bought," Sheth says.


1.How many tips does the passage write about?


2.What is losing weight and being healthier about?


3.Why are chips unhealthy?


4.What can be a healthy choice for vegetarian?


5.How much fat does 1 ounce of cheese have?


