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You'll need to take a deep breath before hearing this news. An astonishing 93% of kids around the world live in environments with air pollution levels that are damaging their health, according to a new report by WHO.

Air pollution is to blame for the deaths of 543,000 kids under 5 in 2016, with more than one in four deaths of children under five years old being related to environmental issues. Exposure (暴露)to air pollution can damage the health of kids in a variety of ways, either causing or being associated with everything from low birth weight to childhood obesity and so on.

"The large toll of disease and death revealed (揭示)by these new data should result in an urgent call to action for the global community especially for those in the health department WHO stated. “ Strong action to reduce exposure to air pollution offers an opportunity to protect the health of children. " The report stressed that health experts should communicate with families , communities and policy-makers about the serious risks of air pollution exposure. " Although more researches into how air pollution affects children's health will continue to be valuable, there is already evidence to justify strong, swift action to prevent the damage it clearly produces," WHO added.

Disease caused by dirty air is more common in low-and-middle in come countries, especially those in Africa, South-East Asia, and Western Pacific regions. Poor countries in these areas have the highest levels of exposure to household air pollution due to the use of polluting fuels and technologies for basic needs like cooking, heating and lighting.

Advised solutions include cleaner transport , cleaner cooking and heating fuels and technologies  energy-efficient housing and urban planning, safer industrial technologies and better waste management.

1.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.The way to fight air pollution.

B.The serious result of air pollution.

C.The illnesses children are suffering.

D.The deaths caused by air pollution.

2.What does the underlined word “toll” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.Number. B.Threat. C.Fact. D.Report.

3.What are health experts asked to do?

A.Do more researches. B.Find ways to fight air pollution.

C.Make the serious risks known. D.Develop cleaner fuels and technologies.

4.What can we learn from the text?

A.Researches of this kind have stopped.

B.Air pollution caused 543,000 kids' death in 2016.

C.Nothing can be done to stop air pollution al present.

D.Air pollution is more serious in low-and-middle-income countries.

