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Is Fast Fashion Taking Over?

The fashion industry has changed significantly in recent years. Traditionally, fashion retailers(零售商) created two clothing collections per year, called seasons. Nowadays, in contrast, they can design and manufacture(生产) clothes in as little as four weeks. Fast Fashion means that the latest designs shown at the fashion shows in Paris, London, New York, and Milan can be coped and sold in shopping malls within a month.

The advantages of rapidly changing fashions are clear. Shortening the life cycle of a product means that if a design doesn’t sell well within a week, it is taken out of the stores and replaced with a new one. This is good for manufacturers, as it means a greater volume of sales. It is also good for customers, who can keep up with fast-moving trends cheaply and who can enjoy finding something new every time they visit the store.

However, there are also a number of disadvantages to the fast-fashion approach. Perhaps the biggest concern is the impact of wasted clothes on the environment. The low cost of most fast fashion enables shoppers to buy several new sets of clothes each season. This means that huge amounts of clothing are thrown away. Furthermore, with fashions changing so quickly, cotton growers need to produce more cotton more cheaply, and that means using more pesticides and chemicals. A third problem is the theft of ideas. Fashion houses invest a lot of time and money in new designs, only to see these ideas stolen and copied by fast-fashion companies.

In short, these days it seems that the fashion industry is changing almost as fast as the fashion it produces. What do you think of this?

