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Do you think you have a good memory (记忆)? It is difficult to say exactly what memory is. Even scientists who have been studying memory for many years say that they are still trying to find out what it is. We do know that a specific memory is not just one thing stored (存储) somewhere in the brain (大脑). A memory is made up of small pieces of information stored all over the brain.

The human brain is very small and light (only 2% of total body weight). But it needs about 20% of the oxygen (氧气) that our body takes in. We can't think well if our brain isn't getting enough oxygen, so always make sure there is enough oxygen in the air when you need to learn or remember something!

Why do you forget things sometimes? The main reason for forgetting something is that you did not learn it well enough in the beginning. For example, if you meet some new people and right away forget their names, it is because you didn't record (记录) the names when you heard them.

No one can remember everything, but everyone can learn how to improve their memory. Here are some ways:

●When you want to remember something, tell a friend about it. This way the new information becomes more memorable. Later on, think about the conversation with your friend. It will help you remember the information.

●Don't over-train your brain. When you've remembered a list of new vocabulary, stop studying. It's better to study a lot of material (材料) for a short time than a small part of material for a lot of time! But remember: you do have to practise your new vocabulary as soon as possible!

●If you have to remember something big, break it down into smaller parts. It's easier to remember 198756430387 if you break it into four smaller bits: 198-756-430-387.

●If you want to remember a piece of information, and you can't. Don't get angry. Relax when you study! Try to enjoy yourself. You are learning new things every minute. You will remember better if you are happy and relaxed.

In short, none of (没有一个) the ways can make your memory 100% perfect, but all of them are helpful.

1.Where is a memory stored in your brain?

A.In the left brain. B.Some parts of the brain. C.In the right brain. D.All over the brain.

2.Which of the following sentences is true according to the passage?

A.We can make our memory 100% perfect.

B.We can break the big information into big parts.

C.We'll forget things if we don't learn them well in the beginning.

D.We should spend a lot of time studying a small part of material.

3.According to the passage, the writer probably agrees with ________.

A.sharing new information with friends

B.remembering long numbers by wring

C.learning at least 100 new words at a time

D.getting angry when can't remember some information

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.What the human brain is. B.Why we forget something.

C.How we improve our memory. D.Where memories are stored in the brain.

