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Answer the questions   (根据短文内容回答T列问题):

①These days, people with serious heart problems can have a heart transplant - in other words, another heart is put into their body to replace the heart with problems.

②Christiaan Barnard was the surgeon (外科医生) who performed the first human heart transplant operation. Barnard was born in 1922. in his native South Africa. He studied medicine at the University of Cape Town and graduated in 1953. Then he went to the USA and studied at the University of Minnesota. He returned to the University of Cape Town in 1958 to teach surgery. No one knew very much about him- but in 1967, he became world-famous.

③On 3 December. Barnard transferred the heart of a 25-year-old woman into the body of Louis Washkansky, a 55-year-old grocer. Unfortunately, Washkansky died 18 days later. Barnard did a second transplant, on 2 January 1968. for a man called Philip Blaiberg - this was a lot more successful. as Blaiberg lived for over 1 8 months after the operation.

④Barnard was not the usual picture of a surgeon. Young and handsome. he spent as much time in nightclubs as he did in operation rooms. He met the Pope(教皇)in Rome and President Lyndon Johnson in the USA. He knew many beautiful film stars of the time, but all three of his marriages failed. He also performed free surgery on hundreds of very sick people

⑤He died in September 200l, aged 78.

1.When was Christiaan Barnard born?

2.In which two countries did he study'?

3.What did Barnard do at the University of Cape Town in 1958?

4.How long did Philip Blaiberg live after his heart transplant?

5.What does paragraph④tell us about Barnard? Answer in one sentence.

6.What kind of person do you think Barnard was? Give your reasons.

