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Nicolas Stacy-Alcantara was a 17-year-old high school student from Fresno. He said he______his friend near Salt Lake City last week and decided to go for a day-long hike alone with______to return in time for dinner.

Stacy-Alcantara said the weather had been______when he began his planned way from Millcreek Canyon(峡谷)to Park City. However, by late afternoon it became_____and snow began to fall. The weather______Stacy Alcantara to stop his journey. His cellphone had no______and his feet began to freeze(冻僵).

Being trapped in the snow, he______a cave to keep himself warm. He rubbed his hands against his______to keep the blood flowing.

“I knew my chest was more______than my feet,”he told reporters.

“I______if I lost those, I could still______, so I just tied the ends of my clothes together.

As the______fell, the teen______his friends were in the cave and had what he believed could be his______conversations with them. He also______letters to his family in case he didn't make it out alive.

He walked out of the______when the sun rose in the morning.______, he came across some skiers(滑雪者) who had a satellite phone. Later, he was______and he was about 6 miles from where he______his hike.

“I’m very______,” Stacy-Alcantara said. “I shouldn’t even be alive right now.”

1.A.lost B.visited C.cheated D.missed

2.A.plans B.excuses C.answers D.choices

3.A.windy B.wet C.cloudy D.warm

4.A.clear B.nice C.cold D.wild

5.A.forced B.helped C.reminded D.inspired

6.A.camera B.brand C.service D.map

7.A.decorated B.dug C.explored D.repaired

8.A.face B.head C.leg D.chest

9.A.important B.useful C.special D.comfortable

10.A.heard B.wondered C.asked D.knew

11.A.lie B.live C.study D.sleep

12.A.silence B.fear C.night D.sadness

13.A.guessed B.doubted C.explained D.imagined

14.A.simple B.final C.next D.normal

15.A.wrote B.sent C.read D.gave

16.A.cave B.room C.city D.valley

17.A.Suddenly B.Obviously C.Fortunately D.Interestingly

18.A.examined B.saved C.remembered D.warned

19.A.enjoyed B.followed C.avoided D.started

20.A.proud B.strong C.lucky D.clever

