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Help your guests feel at home at a dinner party by the following ways.

1..Take their coats, welcome them and make them feel at home.

If a guest does not know most of the people in the room, you need to introduce him or her to everyone.2.

Serve your guests or let them serve themselves if there is food on the serving table.3.Make sure that they are as comfortable as possible.

4.Let the guests go around the room and tell a funny story about themselves or their favorite things to do.5.

After dinner, serve dessert to your guests.


A. Ask your guests often if they need more food.

B. When your guests arrive, greet them at the door.

C. It's a good way to make them know about each other.

D. This could help him or her feel more important.

E. When you and your guests have dinner, play a “get to know each other” game.

