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Here are some home-stay trips you can choose if you and your family want to go on a trip.

Place: Auckland, New Zealand     Dates: July 9—24     Cost: $ 3,900   Temperature: 13℃--9℃         Foods: lamb, seafood

Popular sports: tennis, golf, horseback, riding     Good buys: sweaters, coats, jewelry

Place: Portland, U.S.A     Dates: Aug.12—Sept.13     Cost: $ 4, 100

Temperature: 26℃--13℃   Foods: seafood, pizza, hamburgers

Popular sports: rafting, fishing, horse riding, hiking

Good buys: hoots, jeans, sporting goods

Place: Vancouver, Canada    Dates: Sept.2--25     Cost: $ 4,350

Temperature: 19℃--16℃         Foods: smoked salmon, lobster, ethnic foods

Popular sports: tennis, fishing, mountain hiking

Good buys: sweaters, leather products

Place: Perth, Australia     Dates: Aug.11—Sept.1     Cost: $ 5,100

Temperature: 15℃--11℃   Foods: crabs, beef, prawns

Popular sports: rafting, golf, tennis

Good buys: aboriginal goods, leather products, opals

1.________ is the warmest place on August 27.

A.Auckland B.Perth C.Portland D.Vancouver

2.The highest trip price is in ________.

A.Auckland B.Perth

C.Portland D.Vancouver

3.Fishing is Mr.White’s hobby.So we can advise him to go to ___ for his holiday.

A.Perth or Auckland

B.Portland or Perth

C.Auckland or Vancouver

D.Portland or Vancouver

4.If you go on a trip in Perth, you can’t eat _________.

A.lamb B.prawns C.crabs D.beef

5.If you prefer to travel to Vancouver, your favourite sport may not be __________.

A.fishing B.mountain climbing

C.tennis D.horseback riding

