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Tests can be worrying even for the most prepared students. When some students take tests, their minds don’t work as well as usual. They may experience something called test anxiety (焦虑), which can have a negative influence on their performance. Well, the following tips can help you pass your next test more easily and achieve more success!

Get Enough Sleep

6 hours of sleep or less can slow your mind and thus has negative effects on your performance on tests, even if you spend those missed hours of sleep studying. So, it’s very important for you to get a good night of sleep before your big day.

Study Smarter

How do you study ‘smarter’? Make a list of the things you need to learn in order of importance. That way, if you don’t have enough time, you can still hit the items at the top of the list. Make a list of all the work you have to do, judge how much time each item will take, and compare that with the number of hours you have available; this will tell you whether you can read carefully or just skim, how much time you can spend checking papers, and tell you other ways to pace yourself so you can get everything done. If your time is still limited, it’s important to learn to let go of being perfect.

Visualize (想象) Success

Before you fall asleep each night, it is a great way to visualize yourself taking the tests and doing wonderfully. Detailed visualizations can help you feel like you’re really experiencing something,and visualizing yourself doing well is a way to ‘practice’ success in a way that can help you perform better and feel confident. Visualizations can also help you to remember the facts.

Stay Calm

Anxiety can harm your memory, so it’s important to stay calm before and during tests. While that’s easier said than done, there are several techniques that can help you calm down quickly whenever you feel nervous. For example, breathing exercise has been shown by research to reduce test anxiety, and can be very effective in helping you relax: just take deep breaths and let the anxiety come out.

How to deal with your test anxiety


to test anxiety

Students feel nervous before or during tests even though they have made good 2..

Tips that make it3.

for you to pass tests

Get Enough Sleep

● Less sleep makes your mind slow down and makes much 4.to your performance.

Study Smarter

● You can 5. the most important things you need to learn.

6. to give up the idea of being perfect is also necessary.

Visualize Success

● Visualizing yourself taking the tests and doing well helps you increase 7. .

●Visualizations can also help you to 8. the facts in mind.

Stay Calm

● Keep calm or anxiety can be 9. to your memory.

● Breathing exercise can be effective in helping you feel 10..

