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Exam time is coming . Don’t worry, here are some secrets of doing well. They can help you take tests with confidence (信心).

1.           .

Taking notes is a way of remembering what you learn or read about.

■ Write down important points your teachers write on the blackboard.

■ Keep your notes organized (有条理的) by subject and make sure they’re easy to read and review.

2.          .

When studying, think about how much time you want to give to each subject.

■ Break a large subject into a short amount every day.

■ Every 45 minutes, you should take a 15-minute break. Spending too much time learning may make you feel tired and bored.

3.          .

Study groups are helpful because you can work together to solve hard problems. Also, the group members can test one another.

■ Libraries are good places to study with your group. A quiet environment is better for studying.

■ Group study is not suitable(适合的) for every kid.          4.           .

Just find the way that works for you and follow it.

A. Plan your study time.

B. Be a good note taker.

C. If you like to study alone, that’s also great.

D. Have enough sleep.

E. Start a study group.

5.Which is the best title according to the passage?

A. How to learn English well.

B. Taking notes is important.

C. How to study for tests.

D. A study group is a good way

