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Butterflies are common all over the world, but the ones in hotter countries are usually bigger and more brightly colored than those in cooler countries and there are more different kinds. Usually the male butterflies more brightly colored than the female. The female have bigger and heavier bodies since they carry the eggs.The gay(鲜艳的)colors of the males help to attract(吸引) the female, and the duller colors of the females make them less likely to be caught by enemies before they have laid their eggs.

Some butterflies have a bright pattern of colors on the upper surface of their wings, which show when they fly, but when they rest on a tree or leaf, they close their wings.On the undersides of their wings there are green and brown markings which look like the tree or leaf.They are then difficult to see.The best example of this is the Dead Leaf Butterfly.When its wings are c1ose,it looks exactly like a dead leaf.There are even marks that look like the holes in a dead leaf.When a bird is chasing a butterfly,and it close its wings and seems to have disappeared completely.

Many butterflies have round marks on their wings that look like eyes. When they are resting,and their wings are folded, these marks cannot be seen.  When a bird sees one,and begins to attack it,the butterfly opens its wings. The bird thinks that it sees two eyes staring at it,and it is frightened to fly away.

1.Where are the butterflies always bigger and more brightly colored?

A. In the south.   B. In the place where it is hot.

C. In the north.   D. In the places that are far from the sun.

2.Why do the females butterflies have bigger and heavier bodies?

A. They carry eggs.

B. They don’t like to fly higher.

C. They can make them to attract the male.

D. They can make them likely to be caught by enemies.

3.What are green and brown markings on the undersides of the butterflies’ wings for?

A. It is helpful for them to chase a bird.

B. The butterflies want to show them when they fly.

C. The markings can sometimes help to protect the butterflies.

D. When the butterflies close their wings, they disappear completely.

