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My 14-year-old brother John and I saw the coat at the same time. The thick black woolen coat was soft, and it cost only $28. We looked at each other, saying n1., but John’s face was shining with joy. Dark woolen coats were p2. with boys just then, and could cost several hundred dollars. But this coat was even better and m3.cheaper.

John t4. on the coat and bought it at once. John wore the coat to school the next day and came home with a big smile. “H5.did the kids like your coat?” I asked. “They loved it,” he said. I started c6.him “Lord (老爷) John”.

A few weeks later , something good h7.to John. He became more polite, more helpful and more pleasing. He was willing to lend his classmates his pens; he was willing to bring his father a cup of tea when he got home; he was willing to help a blind man c8.the road.

When my mother told this to one of his teachers, he said, “It must be his coat!” One day, in the library, my brother and I ran into a friend. “Could this be John?” he asked. John s9. hands with him, like a gentleman(绅士)!

I think John changed b10.of his own attitude(态度). If you think you are a gentleman or a lady, you can become a perfect one.

