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Timoteo Apaza is a gentle 46-year-old man, living in a village near the most dangerous part of the road, known locally 1.   the Devil’s Bend. The roads are in bad condition and accidents are frequent. But thanks to Timoteo, who works as a human traffic signal, the death toll   2.  (fall) so far. Apaza had been a miner and a soldier, and then one day he was working as a lorry driver he had a close encounter with death. He was driving a lorry load of bananas 3.   he came off the road and fell three hundred metres down the mountain. Fortunately, he survived. A few years later, he was called in the night to help pull people out of a crashed bus. From then on, he felt that   4.   was his mission in life to help others. So every morning, week in week out, from dawn to dusk, he takes up his place on the bend and directs the traffic. He is a volunteer and no one pays him for it. Sometimes drivers give him a tip, so that he has just enough money to live on. But often they just pass by,    5.   (take) the human traffic signal for granted.

