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Alfredo Moser is a Brazilian worker who is skilled at repairing machines. His wife says her husband has always been handy (手巧的) at home and made tables and chairs. Alfredo has invented a way of lighting his house during the day without electricity.

He has been using plastic bottles filled up with water and a little bleach (漂 白剂) to provide dark rooms with light for many years. And the idea has now spread across the world. It is predicted that his lighting system, which works using refraction (折射) of sunlight, will be fitted in over a million homes by the end of this year.

Alfredo used normal plastic drink bottles that are often thrown away. The secret of the liquid in the bottles is the bleach added to water, which stops it turning green in the sunlight. Mr. Moser drills a hole in a roof tile (瓦片) and then pushes the bottle in from below, keeping the bottle in place with polyester resin (聚酯树脂). Depending on the strength of sunlight, the light fills his home, and the bottles are just like electric bulbs (灯泡) of between 40 and 60 watts (瓦).

Alfredo came up with the idea for his “Moser light” during one of the blackouts in Brazil in 2002. He said only factories had power in his home city, in southern Brazil during the energy shortage.

The local supermarket and his neighbours’ houses are using Moser lights. He earned a few dollars, but his invention has not made him a rich man. Now a great number of people admire what he is doing!

1.What did Alfredo's wife think of him?

A. Alfredo was always busy repairing machines.

B. Alfredo couldn’t do any housework.

C. Alfredo was clever with his hands.

D. Alfredo is a helpful man to save our world.

2.Why does Alfredo put a little bleach into the bottle?

A. Because the bottle can give more light.

B. Because the bleach can keep the bottle in a roof tile.

C. Because the bleach can protect water from turning green.

D. Because the bleach can reflect the sunlight.

3.Which of the following is TRUE about the passage?

A. People can use Moser’s lights only at night.

B. Moser’s light gives too poor light.

C. Moser’s bottles use electricity to light the room.

D. Moser’s bottle light is a green idea.

4.The underlined word “blackouts” in the passage probably means  .

A. 地震   B. 停电   C. 旱灾   D. 洪涝

5.We can infer from the passage that _  .

A. Alfredo’s lights will be more and more popular

B. nobody will buy Moser lights in the future

C. Alfredo won’t repair machines any more

D. Alfredo’s invention will bring him a lot of money

