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Indoor(室内) Water Park

Opening time:

⊙10: 00 am~5: 00 pm from Monday to Friday

⊙8: 00am~9: 00 pm from Saturday to Sunday

Ticket price:

Aduits: 150 yuan/ person; 130 yuan for members

Children: above(在…上)1.2meters 75 yuan/ person; 60 yuan for members; under 1.2 meters are ftee.

Should not take:

Food, pets or other things like knives, rings and so on.

Things should remember:

⊙Pregnant(怀孕的) women, children under 1.4 meters and old people above 60 should stay with other adults.

⊙You should follow the rules in the water park.

⊙If you have some health problems and aren’t fit for water activities, you’d better not come in.

1.An adult member and two children members (above1.2 meters) should pay ____ for the tickets.

A. 300 yuan   B. 270 yuan   C. 280 yuan   D. 250 yuan

2.How long does the water park open on Thursday?

A. For six hours   B. For seven hours   C. For thirteen hours   D. For twelve hours

3.What can visitors take to the water park?

A. Drinks   B. Pets   C. Food   D. Rings

4.What’s the passage mainly about?

A. How to play in the water park safely.   B. An advertisement(广告) of a water park.

C. What you can play in the water park.   D. A notice about the trip to the water park.

