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Have you ever had a case1.a mistake helped you understand an idea or a skill? For me,it was sailing.I took a sailing class when I was in high school.No matter how many times I read the2.(explain),I could not understand the difference between a “tack" and a “jibe”---two methods of turning a boat---one much 3. (safe) than the other.Later,one day,when I was sailing,a heavy wind4.( blow ) up.We needed to head back,5.I mistook the “tack” for the “jibe” and pushed the boat in the wrong direction.Before I realized6. (I) mistake,it was too late.Luckily,no one7.(hurt).Only after this experience did I   8.  (clear) understand the sailing phrase “turning on the wind” that I  9. (read) so many times in the textbook.I never confused a “jibe” with a “tack” again! Now I often share this story 10.my students after they have made mistakes.I hope they can learn something from their mistakes and correct them instead of regretting all day.

