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Why Walking is Good for Weight Loss

The best form of exercise is walking. Casual walk for thirty to forty minutes can do wonders for the body. 1.. Displayed below are reasons.

Help to burn calories(卡路里)

A daily walk routine can help to burn calories. Walking for thirty minutes a day can help to burn about three to four hundred calories per day. A daily walk helps to burn 100 calories per mile. 2..

Help to improve energy level

There could be a possibility of drying up with other stressful forms of exercises. This is not possible with walking. 3.. With burning calories, it helps to stay active and fit throughout the day.


Walking helps to decrease the risk of health related diseases and infections(传染病). In fact, with weight loss it helps to maintain a normal heart rate. Walking for weight loss is good as it helps to stay active and fit. It burns fat, but helps to strengthen the immune system of the body.

Help in planning

5.. It doesn’t like gym and other types of exercises. There is no proper planning required for walking. The progress is easy to track, there are many smart apps which are available for walk and weight loss. It helps to keep a track on calories burned to lose weight.

A. Help to stay energetic

B. Walking doesn’t cost much

C. Help to decrease health risks

D. It is best to walk daily to keep a good body shape

E. Walking is perhaps the easiest form of daily exercise but benefits us a lot

F. Walking helps in weight loss, but at the same time it improves your energy

G. Starting a particular weight loss plan is easy, but continuing with the plan is difficult

