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Last month a young girl lost her life under the wheels of a truck when she crossed the road. She is responsible for her death. The girl was busy checking the WeChat information on her smart phone, snubbing(无视)the traffic lights. Suddenly, a car came fast and hit her. The girl lay on the ground and couldn’t get up at once. Just at that time, a running truck failed to stop and ran over her. What a bloody lesson!

We may see people looking down at their cell phones everywhere in our life: in subway, restaurants, elevators, roads. From family party to date with a friend, people couldn’t stop playing with their cell phones or checking their QQ, WeChat, facebook on their phones, snubbing the people around completely. “Phubbing(低头族)” is a new term which comes from the words “phone”and “snub”. It describes the habit of snubbing someone because of fixing on a cell phone. The word “phubbing”was included in the Australian National Dictionary in 2012.

Phubbing is a global phenomenon now. Not only the young people, but also the elderly and kids can be seen playing with their cell phones everywhere. It seems that it is not a big matter, however, it does disturb our life. Shen Hongfei, an epicure(美食家), wrote in his blog, “I can no longer focus on what I am eating since I started sending photos of the food on WeChat. My skill of food photography has improved very fast, while my interest in food drops gradually.

Are you also a phubber? Let’s put down the cell phone and enjoy the taste of food and the warmth of family communication.

1.Why does the writer show us the bloody lesson in paragraph 1?

A. To tell the recent news.

B. To describe a terrible car accident.

C. To tell us the traffic rules.

D. To draw our attention to Phubbing.

2. What does the underlined sentence mean in paragraph 3?

A. Phubbing is common.

B. Phubbing is unusual.

C. Phubbing is well known.

D. Phubbing is amazing.

3.What does “it” refer to in the third paragraph?

A. Phubbing.         B. A big matter

C. The cell phone.    D. The blog.

4. What does the writer advise us to do according to the passage?

A. To check WeChat on the phone when you’re dating with your friend.

B. To send the photos on WeChat while you’re enjoying delicious food.

C. To put down your cell phone and spend more time with your families.

D. To get the young and the old know how to use WeChat on cell phones.

5. What’s the writer’s opinion towards “Phubbing”?

A. Supportive        B. Criticized

C. Neutral(中立的)   D. Not clear

