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It was August in the US,and the school year had just started,when one parent received an unexpected phone call.

Stacie Dunn had been called to Woodford County High School because her teenage daughter had been caught going against the dress rules. But the offense left Dunn shocked.

She arrived to find her daughter in a set of pretty ordinary clothes:a cardigan,a tank top and jeans. The trouble,administrators indicated,lay with her daughter's exposed collarbone (锁骨).Bare shoulders and naked collarbones are illegal under Woodford County High School's dress rules. Students who break these rules can receive detention (the punishment of being kept at school for a time after school)—or after multiple violations (违纪),be prevented from going to school entirely.

Dunn was very shocked and angry.“Parents are being called away from their important jobs,and students are missing important class time because they are showing their collarbones,” she wrote on the social media site Facebook,attaching a picture of her daughter in the offending clothes.“Something needs to change!”

Dress rules vary by school districts and are often decided by teachers and school administrators. Yoga pants and skinny jeans are banned. Certain dress rules also require knee­length pants and skirts.

Some school administrators argue they are simply supporting having a professional standard of dress to prepare their students for their future careers. But others have told students that their clothes present a “distraction” to others.

Certain schools have chosen to re­evaluate their dress rules,with input from parents and students. Even Woodford County High School—home of the “collarbone” ban—is reconsidering its policies this month. Butat_least_for_nowthe_dress_rule_debate_is_far_from_over.

1.Why was Stacie Dunn called to Woodford County High School?

A. Her daughter went to school with bare shoulders.

B. Her daughter broke her collarbone.

C. Her daughter broke the dress rules of the school.

D. Her daughter received detention.

2.Under the dress rules,which of the following clothes are acceptable?

A. Skinny jeans B. Long skirts.

C. Yoga pants. D. Short pants.

3.How did Stacie Dunn respond to being called to school?

A. She wasn't in favor of what the school did.

B. She turned to Facebook for help.

C. She bought a standard dress for her daughter.

D. She accused the school of wasting her time.

4.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph indicates that ________.

A. the debate between parents and students will never be over

B. few schools will take measures to change their policy

C. the problem of “clothes distractions” will last

D. the argument on what to wear and how to dress will continue

