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完形填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)


An old carpenter(木匠) was ready to retire. His boss was        to see the good worker go. He asked the carpenter        he could build just one more house. The carpenter said yes,      his mind was not on his work any more.

He used poor materials and worked on the house      . When the carpenter finished his work, the boss       the front-door key to him, "This is your house," he said, "A        for you."

What a surprise! What a        ! If he had known he was building his        house, he would have done it differently. Now he had to live in the house he had poorly built.

       it is with us. Sometimes we build our          carelessly. At important points we do not try our best. Then with a shame we look at the situation we have         . We find that we are now living in the house we have poorly built. But we don't have a           to make it all over again.

Think of           as the carpenter. Think about your life. Build it         . It is the only life you will ever build because life is a do-it-yourself project.

Your life today is the         of your attitudes and choices you made in the past. Your life tomorrow will be that of your attitudes and choices you make today.

1.A. glad    B. nervous   C. ready   D. sorry

2.A. if      B. when   C. how      D. why

3.A. and   B. but    C. or    D. so

4.A. carefully   B. completely   C. carelessly   D. successfully

5.A. handed   B. left    C. sold      D. threw

6.A. gift   B. promise   C. choice   D. question

7.A. task   B. wisdom   C. shame   D. stress

8.A. real   B. expensive   C. old    D. own

9.A. Neither   B. So    C. Nor    D. As

10.A. studies   B. lives   C. jobs      D. feelings

11.A. created   B. changed   C. discussed   D. affected

12.A. plan   B. chance   C. method   D. pleasure

13.A. himself   B. herself   C. myself   D. yourself

14.A. wisely   B. peacefully   C. rapidly   D. widely

15.A. talent   B. wealth   C. result   D. difference

