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Rooftop Gardens

Have you ever seen a rooftop garden—

a garden on the top of a roof? Many people are

finding it good for the environment and good for


Cities can be as much as 4—10 degrees

warmer than the countryside. Green rooftops

can actually help cool the air in cities. A single green roof will not do much to  change the temperature of a city. However, when more buildings begin to change their rooftops into green spaces, it makes a real difference. Buildings that are cooler also use air conditioning less often. This reduces the amount of energy a building uses, which is good for the environment. Cities are usually more polluted than other areas. Plants on rooftops can even help clean the air. Gardens in the city can also provide a place for birds and bugs to live in.

One unusual rooftop garden is located above Children’s Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri. The garden covers an area of 7, 500 square feet. The garden has flowers, fountains (喷泉),even a goldfish pond, and also paths that children can walk on in slippers or with bare feet. It is used as a place for the children and their parents to relax and be close to nature without leaving the hospital. Another interesting garden is on the rooftop of the Royal York Hotel in Toronto, Canada. A large vegetable garden has been planted on the roof. The hotel’s chefs (厨师)can pick fresh vegetables from the roof.

Now not all buildings have rooftop gardens. One reason is that rooftop gardens can be more expensive than traditional rooftops. However, they may save on heating and cooling bills in the future. Also, a roof needs to be flat and strong enough to support the weight of the garden.

Some people may not know about rooftop gardens and how good they can be for the environment. But word is starting to get out. You may want to keep your eyes on the skies when you walk in your town or city. You never know when you might find a secret garden many feet above the ground.

1.What is a rooftop garden?

2.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

3.What is the rooftop garden in Children’s Hospital in St. Louis used as?

4.Why is the rooftop garden of the Royal York Hotel interesting?

5.Why don’t all buildings have rooftop gardens?

