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Experts say the bee population is getting smaller because of climate change and other human-caused 1.(activity) . We are building houses and cities on land where they live, and using chemicals 2. are killing them. Last winter, U.S. beekeepers 3. (lose ) almost 40% of their colonies (蜂群).

Thiele, 4. beekeeper, says the usual ways people raise honey bees 5.( be ) bad for their health. He rejects the white boxes that 6.(tradition ) beekeepers use. He also refuses to use chemicals, smoke or protective clothing when he works with bees. He touches them 7. his bare hands. Thiele says his hives (蜂巢)are both a way to save bees and a personal project.

While bees crawled (爬)over his hands and arms he said, "It feels so close and I feel how 8.(deep) we belong and how important it is 9. (keep) them safe from harm."

He added that honey bees show how fragile life is. He made a 10. (far) remark, "As if they are really mirroring where we are on this time on this planet."

