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James Blunt’s life was unexpected. The 44-year-old British singer became known to us all because of the song You’re Beautiful. Chinese fans have already got a taste of his live show, as he performed in Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing early last month.

However, you may know nothing about Blunt but music. Before taking up music as a job, Blunt once served in the British Army and got the rank of captain(上尉军衔). That’s why people call him the “captain poet”.

He served in the army known as Life Guards. What he had to do is to protect the royal (皇室) family on important days. He once joked that the most famous person he knew was Queen Elizabeth. He said: “I don’t have her personal phone number or anything, but I was with her a lot.”

Before becoming a captain, he also went to Kosovo(科索沃) to play a part in peacekeeping there. He took his guitar with him. “Wherever you are in the army, you take something to keep your life enjoyable. Some bring cards to play, some a football. I took a guitar,” Blunt told The Herald- Times.

His wartime experience drove him to write. When he was in Kosovo, he wrote the anti-war (反战) song No Bravery. Even to this day, he still speaks for the old soldiers, those who hurt (受伤) themselves during the war.

James Blunt’s music life started after he came back from war. From the terrible streets of Kosovo to the biggest live music halls in the world, Blunt has come a long way.

1.What makes James Blunt become known to us all?


2.Why did James Blunt go to Kosovo?


3.How did James Blunt keep his life enjoyable in the army?


4.Did James Blunt’s music life start before he served in the army?


5.What do you think of James Blunt?


