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Tiktok(known as Douyin in its homeland) is the 1.(hot) social media app of 2019.The short-form video app quickly became the place for people who want to show off 2.(them )creativity.

One reason3. Tiktok’s success is the platform’s integration(集成)of music. Users are discovering popular new music through Tiktok4.they normally wouldn’t find through other platforms.

“ When5.(use) Tiktok , I find a lot of artists and different types of music. It’s more interesting than other apps!” Nicole Fiala,17,told CNBC.

The CEO and founder of ByteDance, Zhang Yiming,6.(create) the company in 2012. “For a very long time, I was merely watching Tiktok without making any of them myself, because it’s a product mainly for young people,” Zhang told the website Tech Node in 2017. “But later we asked all management team members to make their own Tiktok7.(video), and they must win 8.certain number of ‘likes.’ Otherwise, they have to do push-ups(俯卧撑). It was a big step for me.” However, young users9. (expose) to Tiktok, especially under 13, are advised10.(watch) it under the supervision of parents.

