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配对阅读。 左栏是五位同学在学习英语时遇到的五个问题, 右栏是与其相对应的解决办法。 请为每个问题选择一个最合适的办法, 并将其字母编号填写在题号前的括号内。 (其余两项多余)

56.I read very slowly, especially when there are many new words.

57.I’m afraid to speak in class because I am afraid of making mistakes.

58.I always write Chinglish but not real English. I can’t use the right English words or use big words that are not necessary at all.

59.I often make mistakes in grammar. It’s hard to remember the grammar notes.

60.I have few chances to practice speaking skills. Nobody wants to speak in English after class.

A.Work in a group. You can learn from each other when talking with others. You may share different opinions, too.

B.Find a pen pal. You can make pen friends who are from English-speaking countries, so you may write letters in English often. Maybe your pen pal can help you improve your English, too.

C. Read more English words. If you read more books, you can learn the words more quickly.

D.Try to be more outgoing. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes in English learning. Everybody makes mistakes in front of your classmates who may do the same thing.

E.Take notes. It’s very important to have a good habit in class, which is , taking a lot of grammar notes even though the teacher doesn’t write them down on the blackboard. Try to understand the grammar notes but not just copy them.

F.Join an English club. You can find one in your school or your city. It’s a good chance for the English lovers to practice their languages skills and share the feelings as well.

G.Have some good reading habits. You have to find out why you can’t read fast like others. Do you always read in a right way that is the same as you are reading your native language?






