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Helen Keller

Born: June 27,1880

Died: June 1, 1968

From: America

Job: the writer of The Story of My Life

Others: There was something wrong with her eyes.

Sophie Marceau

Born: November 17, 1966

From: France

Job: an actress in Brave Heart

Others: She is one of the most beautiful French women. Now, she has two children, Vincent and Juliette.

Da Vinci

Born: April 15, 1452

Died: May 2, 1519

From: Italy

Job: the painter of Mona Lisa

Others: He did well in other subjects, such as maths and music.

Isaac Newton

Born: January 4, 1643

Died: March 31, 1727

From: the UK

Job: scientist

Others: He loved science so much and he didn’t get married.

1.Of those four people, who was born the earliest?

A. Helen Keller.   B. Sophie Marceau.

C. Da Vinci.   D. Isaac Newton.

2.How old was Isaac Newton when he died?

A. 56.   B. 84.   C. 67.   D. 88.

3.Where did Helen Keller come from?

A. The USA.   B. The UK.   C. Italy.   D. France.

4.What may Brave Heart be?

A. A book.   B. A movie.   C. A song.   D. A painting.

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Helen Keller was 77 when she died.

B. Da Vinci was not good at maths.

C. Vincent was the child of Da Vinci.

D. Isaac Newton didn’t get married.

