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New kinds of tourism

People are travelling more than ever before.The World Tourism Organisation says that by 2020 the number of international travellers will be more than 1.6 billion people per year.1. Here are four different kinds of tourism that have appeared recently.

Medical tourism can be for a lot of things,from operations to visits to the dentist.2. A few of the popular countries offering medical tourism are India,Cuba,Thailand and Jordan.

Nearly all tourists eat in restaurants,and dining is one of the top three tourist activities.But if you were in a country famous for its food,would you learn how to cook it? Welcome to the unusual form of culinary (烹饪的) tourism,where people go to another country to learn how to prepare its food.3.

4. Examples include tours to New Orleans after Hurricane  (飓风)  Katrina,to  parts  of Thailand after the tsunami (海啸) or tourist visits to ground zero in New York.This kind of tourism is  not  very  popular  with  local  people  for understandable reasons.

Another growing area of tourism is literary (文学的) tourism.5. It can be connected to the life of an author,for example,visiting the author’s home or favourite places,or connected to the lives of characters in a story.It can also be a visit to a place where a film was made.

A.Cooking holidays are growing in popularity now.

B.It is known that few sites of disasters can be visited.

C.Many people enjoy these historical tourist attractions.

D.Disaster tourism is the act of visiting the site of a disaster.

E.This is a kind of cultural tourism and there are several types.

F.This kind of tourism includes going to a different country for health care.

G.The increase in the number of tourists also means an increase in the kinds of tourism.

