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5 ways to focus your mind

1. Focus with a purpose

The mistake most people make is lacking a clear purpose -- they want to be more focused, but don’t know what for. Avoidance is the mother of distraction. If you don’t have a concrete reason to stay focused, your mind will jump from one thing to another. Training your mind to pay attention requires something to focus on. 1. When you don’t have a purpose, it’s easier to get distracted. Conversely, having a clear ‘why’ will help you stay focused.

2. Solve a real problem

Most of the times, we are doing meaningless work. We jump from one task to another without accomplishing anything. We end solving the wrong problem and lose our focus. You have to decide what your priorities are—focus on what will advance your daily, weekly or monthly goals. Learn to say no to the rest. 2.. Those who lack focus are busy fighting urgent, but irrelevant fires.

3. Eliminate(消除) other options

3., it’s harder to get distracted. Create rules where you can’t start a new activity until you finished another one first. For example, in a good day, Pink leaves his office at 10-10:30. On a bad day, he might stay ‘disconnected’ until 2 or 3 PM. When you eliminate all options, it’s easier to focus on the only thing that’s left.

4. 4.

When your work and your mental state are not aligned (使一致), they create an emotional disagreement. Focusing is hard, Dealing with this stressful feeling becomes an additional distraction. Adapting your work to your mental state increases your focus. Learn to understand the types of work you do and align them with your mental states.

5. Set deadlines

Deadlines are more than bringing your goals to life. Yes, committing to a specific date increases your chances to achieve an objective. However, the power of deadlines lies in creating a constraint. Limitations benefit both creativity and productivity—by challenging ourselves, we increase our focus.5..

A. Take advantage of your mental state

B. Focusing requires having an intention for your attention

C. Combine your action with your mental state

D. Using deadlines smartly can motivate you with less pressure

E. When you don’t have choices

F. Focus on important things and suppress urgency

G. When you create some rules

