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In 2014, the world paused to remember a cultural giant on April 17. Nobel Prize winning writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez died on that day at the age of 87.

Garcia Marquez was born in Colombia (哥伦比亚), but lived in Mexico for more than 30 years. He is one of the 20th century’s most famous writers. He is best known for his novel, One Hundred Years of Solitude (《百年孤独》). It tells the story of a family over several generations. The story is a metaphor (暗喻) for the development of Colombia since the 19th century. The novel has sold about 50 million copies.

He wrote in a style called “magical realism (魔幻现实主义)” This style blends (融合) fantasy and reality. In such works, people live regular lives during a certain period of time in history. But meanwhile, magical things happen to them.

In Garcia Marquez’s works, a child is born with a pig’s tail, and a couple finds an old man with big wings in their courtyard. He said he was inspired by childhood stories told by his grandmother. She believed that everything was possible. She often told him stories about ghosts in their house.

But his works are quite serious. He wrote during a period when much of Latin America was suffering from a civil war. Everyday life in Colombia was filled with chaos (混乱). That’s why magical realism works well.

1.Where was Garcia Marquez born?


2.What is he famous for?


3.Did the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude sell well?


4.What is his writing style called?


5.Who influenced his writing style?


