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This year marks the fortieth anniversary of China's“ reform and opening up”" policy (“改革开放”政策).

Forty years ago, China was a very poor country where almost three quarters of the population lived in poverty(贫困). So far, China has become the world's second largest economy, next to the United States, and over 800 million people have been lifted out of poverty

What else has changed in the past forty years? Well, in 1980, there were 100 Chinese students studying in the UK. Today, the number is 170,000. Last year, over 600, 000 left China to study in foreign countries.

Another example of that commitment is China International Import Expo(CIIE,中国国际进口博览in Shanghai which runs from Nov. 5 to Nov.10 in 2018. Over 140 countries exhibited (展出) their products, hoping to attract Chinese customers. With a market of 1.4 billion people, foreign countries see a very great chance here, and China recognizes that two-way trade with foreign countries is of importance to the health of the world economy.

The CIIE visitors coming to Shanghai saw a different city from the Shanghai of forty years ago. They saw streets filled with cars where once there were bicycles. They saw modern high-rise apartment buildings where once there were shabby (破旧的) brick houses. But they also saw a thing that hadn’t changed---- the friendly people of Shanghai who have led the way of China's successful reform and opening up.

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Opening up, 1. years on


“China’s reform and opening up" policy has been in use for 40 years.

Main body

In the past

China was a very poor country where almost three  3. of the population lived in poverty.

In 1980, 100 Chinese students 4.in the UK.

There were bicycles and shabby brick houses here and there.

At 5.

China has become the second largest economy in the 6..

By 2018, the number of the students is 170, 000 in the UK. Last year, over 600,000 left China to study 7..

The CIlE in Shanghai realizes that trading with others is 8.for the world economy. Visitors saw streets9. of cars and modern high-rise apartment buildings.


Shanghai has changed a lot. One thing that hasn’t changed is the friendly people of Shanghai who have 10. in the lead on the way of China's successful reform and opening up.

