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US flight forced to land due to unruly passenger

An American Airlines flight was forced to make an unscheduled stop after a male passenger became unruly, punching seats, yelling at other passengers and smoking cigarettes.

______ from Phoenix, Flight 2408 was headed to Minneapolis on Friday when the passenger became ______ about one hour after takeoff. Passenger Jim Dickey, who was traveling for a conference, said the man began yelling and making ______ toward the other passengers. “He _______ the seat in front of him and the lady _______,” Dickey told CNN.

Dickey said the pilot announced the flight was diverting(转向,绕道) about 20 minutes after the _____ began. The flight landed in Denver and the man was _____ from the plane by law enforcement.

“You could ______ by the sound that the plane started landing pretty ______after the flight attendants started to ______ what was going on”, he said. And some of the male passengers were prepared to _______the passenger physically, he added. “The guy right behind me switched seats to the aisle _______things went wrong,” Dickey said.

American Airlines issued a statement admitting that the thing was ______. "Law enforcement met the flight and saw ______ leave again," said Whitney Zastrow, a spokeswoman for American Airlines. Denver Police confirmed to CNN that they _____to a call of a disturbance. When ______met the passenger they determined it was a "medical call due to the person being in crisis" and transported him to the _______, according to Denver Police Department spokesman Jay Casillas. Police did not _______charges in the incident, Casillas said.

Dickey said the rest of the flight was the _____one he'd ever been on. “When we got back on the plane in Denver and continued on to ______, I don't think anybody said a word,” he said.

1.A.Taking out B.Coming out C.Setting out D.Breaking out

2.A.crazy B.peaceful C.generous D.skilful

3.A.noises B.threats C.disasters D.presents

4.A.punched B.suffered C.organized D.dialed

5.A.yelled B.injured C.calmed D.screamed

6.A.matter B.event C.incident D.thing

7.A.removed B.promoted C.moved D.contributed

8.A.decorate B.tell C.apply D.react

9.A.slowly B.smartly C.seriously D.quickly

10.A.found B.explore C.notice D.commit

11.A.prevent B.prefer C.reduce D.admire

12.A.so that B.even if C.in case D.as well

13.A.brilliant B.useless C.unusual D.true

14.A.the aircraft B.the police officer C.the passenger D.the disabled

15.A.talked B.responded C.complained D.came

16.A.officers B.partners C.experts D.volunteers

17.A.home B.studio C.hospital D.ceremony

18.A.put up with B.come up with C.keep up with D.end up with

19.A.kindest B.pleasantest C.cruelest D.quietest

20.A.Minneapolis B.Phoenix C.Denver D.CNN

