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Social media has become a part of our lives. It is the communication tool that children have been brought up with, but it is still illegal(违法的) for a Canadian child under the age of 13 to have a social media page.

This is a shame when you consider the learning opportunities that social media offers. At our school, Vernon Christian Elementary school in Vernon, B. C. , I can see how it provides children with the chance to learn how to communicate properly and effectively. If they want their friends to follow them or re-tweet (转发) their messages, they must learn to write them creatively in an interesting and amusing style , attach (粘贴) pictures , and ask questions to invite a response. Students will learn a lot from the process.

Social media can also help students to sharpen up their writing skills. My students usually use the blog to keep a diary about something that interests them, and suddenly they appear to love writing.

So is it necessary to restrict (限制) students in the social media age? Not really. A survey has found that 59 percent of children have already used a social network by the time they are 10 , and 43 percent have messaged people they didn't know by the age of 12.

Of course, primary schools should care about the dangers of social media. Measures(措施) should be taken to protect students from the dangers. In our school , we have a social media platform with a teacher's dashboard (信息窗) where all activities can be managed. On one occasion, a boy wrote hurtful comments (评论) about a girl in a post message. After a discussion with him about why it is wrong to send hurtful emails, he was embarrassed and said sorry to the girl.

Over the past 23 years teaching in British Columbia, I have focused on computing. I therefore take notice of the bad effects of social media on primary students. However, social media offers learning and communicating opportunities to elementary students. More importantly, we cannot ignore(忽视) the fact elementary children are using social media. I strongly believe that exposing students to the social media will equip them to be wiser grow-ups in the future.

1.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The writer has made students learn a lot by using social media as a teacher.

B. All the students can't be allowed to use social media in British Columbia.

C. In Canada , children under 13 have rights to use social media pages freely.

D. The writer has paid less attention to primary students in using social media.

2.The phrase "sharpen up" in the third paragraph means " _____ " .

A. achieve B. improve C. form D. practise

3.What does the writer mainly tell us in the passage?

A. More schools will encourage students to use social media skillfully.

B. It is necessary to stop the students from using social media at school.

C. Social media at school will make great influence on students' future.

D. It is so important to keep school websites safe in Information Age.

4.In the writer's opinion social media ______ at school.

A. will take the place of other learning styles slowly

B. can help students make a good habit of learning

C. will make students take less interest in learning

D. should be developed more widely among students

