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It was the first day of third grade. Samuel sat in the classroom and he already knew most of the students in his class.

In the back of the classroom was a face that Samuel didn’t know. There sat a boy with dark hair and glasses.

Mr Dale called the students by their names. “Ho Ming?” said Mr Dale. The boy in the back put up his hand. Ho Ming was from China. His family moved to the United States during the summer. Ho Ming seemed shy.

Samuel tried to talk to Ho Ming, but he only smiled. Finally, Samuel understood the problem. This country was new to Ho Ming. Maybe the language was new to him too.

That night Samuel asked his mum for help. Together they looked up some Chinese words on the Internet. Mum helped Samuel pronounce (发音) the words over and over again.

The next morning Samuel went to talk to Ho Ming. Then he stopped. He was afraid he would say something wrong. He was afraid he would sound silly. “This must be how Ho Ming feels,” he thought.

“Hello,” he said, using the Chinese word she learned. “I am your friend.”

Ho Ming looked surprised. He answered Samuel in Chinese. Samuel had no idea what Ho Ming was saying.

“My English is not too good yet,” explained Ho Ming.

“Neither is my Chinese,” said Samuel.

“I will teach you,” offered Ho Ming.

“And I will teach you,” said Samuel.

Samuel took a ball out of his bag. “Want to play?” he asked.

Ho Ming only smiled. Sometimes words are not even necessary.

1.What did Samuel and Ho Ming have in common?

A. They both wore glasses.

B. They were in the same class.

C. They both went to a new school.

D. They were from the same country.

2.What is the main idea of Paragraph 5?

A. Samuel learned Chinese words.

B. Samuel liked studying with his mum.

C. Samuel liked studying on the Internet.

D. Samuel was good at learning languages.

3.According to Paragraph 6, we can know that Samuel felt ________ before talking to Ho Ming.

A. nervous   B. sad   C. excited   D. surprised

4.At the end of this story, Samuel and Ho Ming will probably ________.

A. study together   B. go to the library

C. visit their friends   D. play with the ball

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Samuel spoke Chinese very well.

B. Ho Ming sat in the back of the classroom.

C. Ho Ming moved to the United States last winter.

D. Samuel learned Chinese words with the help of his teacher.

