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Earthquake can strike without warning. But many injuries and deaths from this kind of natural disaster can be prevented if people follow these safety tips.

If you’re inside a building, stay there! One of the most dangerous things to do in an earthquake is to try to leave a building. But do remember: do it carefully. 1. So do it as follows: Drop to the ground. Get under an object (物体) that is not easily damaged. Hold on to it until the shaking stops. You can also get to a corner formed by two walls with your arms over your hand. If you’re in bed when the quake hits, stay there and protect your head with a pillow.

2. You can go to the park, playground or fields near your house. Don’t take shelter under a tree, streetlights, electric poles or tall buildings. If you are driving, stop as quickly as possible and stay away from overpasses, buildings, bridges or anything else that might fall or collapse beneath you 3.

If you are trapped in ruins, cover your mouth with a handkerchief or a piece of clothing. Use your cell phone to call for help if possible. Don’t shout. 4. Tap (敲) on a pipe or the wall so rescuers can find you.

Be prepared for aftershocks. 5. However, sometimes they even happen months later. Therefore, if you are not in a safe position (位置) after the first shock, you should move quickly but carefully to a safer place.

A. Don’t park your car under a tree or any tall object.

B. Don’t move about or kick up dust.

C. They can happen in the first hours after the earthquake.

D. If you’re outside, go to an open space.

E. Take a good hold of your cell phone in the building.

F. Most injuries happen when people inside buildings try to go out.

G. Shouting can cause you to breathe in dust.

