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Driving laws in Ontario allowed teenagers to get their licenses (执照) at the age of sixteen! As my sixteenth birthday drew near, I got increasingly __ .

My father, who __ driving, was the clear choice to be my driving instructor. The first __ took place in the driveway. I was afraid to touch the gear shift (换挡杆), which was sticking out of the floorboard. However, my father___ explained everything from the gear shift to the turn signals.

For the next lesson, my father asked me to __ the car, and then he guided me into reverse (倒车). As I pressed the gas (油门), I felt the car starting to move backward. I was___ the car!

Two weeks of lessons passed, and I was beginning to get __ . My father had me drive around the same block again and again. When I couldn't __ it any more, I asked to move to a street that had more action. “Tomorrow. I think you are __ ,”my father replied, his eyes shining with pride.

I was __ on a busy street the next night. I shifted from first gear to second gear with no____. Then came third gear. When I reached the __ I wanted, I put the car into fourth. I was flying in the car! My father's __ brought me back to reality. He said calmly, “Darling, there's a red light ahead.”My mind went blank (空白的). I did not __ what to do. I flew through the crossroads, which by chance was empty.

That night my father was ___. I cried silently. How____we hadn't hit anyone or any car. I waited for my father to ___me, but he did not. I realized the seriousness of my driving through a red light. That lesson has __ with me for thirty years. Until now I have not ___that day. I remember how __ a loving father who taught his daughter to drive is.

1.A.excited B.worried C.moved D.tired

2.A.disliked B.stopped C.expected D.loved

3.A.meeting B.lesson C.races D.talk

4.A.quickly B.patiently C.angrily D.suddenly

5.A.start B.take C.pass D.leave

6.A.repairing B.studying C.controlling D.touching

7.A.weak B.nervous C.afraid D.bored

8.A.imagine B.believe C.stand D.make

9.A.suitable B.free C.safe D.ready

10.A.finally B.usually C.surprisingly D.probably

11.A.experience B.training C.problems D.signs

12.A.speed B.answer C.place D.age

13.A.action B.voice C.looks D.feelings

14.A.hear B.wonder C.find D.know

15.A.brave B.proud C.careless D.serious

16.A.lucky B.strange C.unusual D.impossible

17.A.refuse B.punish C.fire D.doubt

18.A.ended B.changed C.stayed D.gone

19.A.remembered B.forgotten C.chosen D.missed

20.A.humorous B.courageous C.wise D.honest

