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The decline in sea ice seen in the Arctic in recent decades has been linked by scientists to the spread of a deadly virus in marine (海洋的) mammals. Researchers found that Phocine distemper virus (PDV) had spread from animals in the North Atlantic to populations in the North Pacific.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the ice has been retreating by around 12% per decade between 1979 and 2018. These sea ice changes in September (2018) are likely unprecedented (前所未有的) for at least 1, 000 years. “Between 1979 and 2018, the real proportion (比例) of multi-year ice that is at least five years old has declined by approximately 90%,” the IPCC said in their report on the oceans and the cryosphere (冰冻圈) published in September.

Against this changing background, researchers have investigated the likely spread of the PDV infection, which caused a large number of deaths among harbour seals in the North Atlantic in 2002. Melting sea ice is now connecting marine mammals, like these Steller sea lions, which were formerly separated by ice . “As animals move and come in contact with other species, they carry opportunities to introduce and catch new infectious disease, with potentially destructive effects.” said author Dr Tracey Goldstein, from the University of California, Davis.

The authors warn that this trend could continue as they believe climate driven changes in the Arctic ocean will increase. The opportunities for the spread of PDV will likely grow, with uncertain health outcomes for many species.

1.What does the word “populations” in paragraph 1 refer to?

A.The marine mammals. B.The people.

C.The virus. D.The land animals.

2.What are the statistics in paragraph 2 about?

A.The loss of sea ice. B.The formation of sea ice.

C.The effect of sea ice. D.The proportion of sea ice.

3.What does paragraph 3 try to tell us?

A.How marine mammals adapt to their habitats.

B.How a large number of seals died in the Arctic.

C.How melting ice is linked to the spread of virus.

D.How marine mammals live with the melting ice.

4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A.Entertainment. B.Health.

C.Education. D.Nature.

