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Are leaders born or made? Many leaders throughout history-such as Gandhi, Churchill, Napoleon, and Martin Luther King-seem to have a special quality that made them powerful and persuasive. We can identify that quality as charisma, but can we explain it?

Charisma means a natural ability to attract other people and make them admire you. It is a complex mixture of social and emotional (情感的) skills. 1.Richard Wiseman, a famous psychologist, points out that there are three key qualities of a charismatic person: they feel their own emotions strongly; they inspire strong emotions in other people; and they are unaffected by the influences of other charismatic people.

You needn’ t worry if you don’ t have these qualities.2. Wiseman says that when you come upon someone who is charismatic, you can copy his or her body language and facial expressions without realizing it. This is called mirroring, and it works partly because people’ s behavior influences their emotions. 3. He proves his point by giving the example of smiling back at someone who smiled at you. Your smiling back suggests that you accept the goodwill from the other person and hope to give it back to him.

4. For example, if you stand up straight and raise your chest, you are more likely to feel confident and inspire others to feel confidence in you. Another expert says that the most charismatic people are usually good listeners. They give others the impression of being focused and modest.

Charisma plays a large part in success because it is linked to self-confidence. 5.  One successful leadership coach points out that you need to come by your skills and techniques naturally, she warns-if the personality you project is not real, you may come across as insincere.

A.This type of physical presence can be used to great effect.

B.Today there is growing evidence that charisma can be learned.

C.Charismatic persons should be active and sensitive to their surroundings.

D.It needs to be recognized that charisma is more than just being positive.

E.It helps to make strong personal connections and communicate effectively with others.

F.But it is worth noting that charisma can’ t be a pretended ability although it can be learned.

G.He adds you’ re unaware of picking up others’ gestures, but you know it makes you feel good.

