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Over the last few years, nutritional trends have grown in numbers, as more and more people are becoming aware of the positive advantages that a healthy and balanced diet can have. So it should be no surprise that the phrase “clean eating” has been added to the Collins Dictionary. 1.

“Clean eating” is the trend that became popular over the Internet, especially among health and fitness fans. It is a type of diet where people avoid processed (加工过的) foods, such as bacon and white sugar. 2. No chemicals are used while growing organic foods, so they are kept in their natural state and are considered “clean”. Above all, “clean eating” encourages not only a more conscious type of eating, but also a lasting change in lifestyle, such as regular exercise.

The trend became more popular when the World Health Organization released its report on processed meat in 2015. 3. It links processed meats such as ham, bacon and sausages to cancer. And now many people are feeling anxious.

4. Dietitians(营养师) have noticed an increase in the number of women becoming weak and getting anemia(贫血). Some of these women are on a clean eating diet. They lack nutrients that come from some processed foods. Experts suggest eating a balanced diet of more “clean food” but also taking in a small amount of processed food. 5.  It is necessary that people do not feel guilty(内疚的) if they sometimes have the food that may not belong to “clean food”.

A.But what exactly is clean eating?

B.But how is the phrase added to the dictionary?

C.Processed food made with organic ingredients become more popular.

D.Instead, people mostly eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and organic foods.

E.The report says eating processed food can be really harmful to a person’s health.

F.In addition, what is important is that the person has a healthy attitude toward foods.

G.Some people say clean eating helps control their weight and stay energetic, but not everyone thinks it is a great idea.

