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Kenya signed an 1. (agree) with China in 2013 to construct a new standard railway from Nairobi to Mombasa, part of 2. will run through the Tsavo National Park. The section of the railway that passes through the park is being built at a raised level 3. (allow) space for underpasses(地下通道) for the animals.

The Tsavo National Park is home to Kenya’s 4. (large) elephant group, according to non-profit organization the Tsavo Trust. It says there were over 12,000 elephants in the Tsavo National Park in 2011.

Robert O’brien is Assistant Director of the Tsavo National Park at the Kenya Wildlife Service. He says monitoring the elephants’ movements will help also to reduce the conflict 5. wildlife and humans, which has been 6. key issue in this area.

Sospeter Kiambi, an office worker of the Kenya Wildlife Service elephant programme, 7. (say) the project is 8. (potential) dangerous for both elephants and people, but he also says that 9. (authority) will make full use of this exercise and avoid 10. (make) silly decisions to damage the relation to wildlife.

In all, projects like this one could help elephants and humans live together a little more harmoniously.

