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Why Old Books Are Better Than New Books

Books, both old and new, are great things, but our culture emphasizes that“newer” things are often better. It's hard to say no to your favorite contemporary writer or an amazing up-and-coming author's latest publication, but it's always worth picking up an old book between reading newer ones.1..

They are free

The old classics are usually free or deeply discounted at used book stores.2..The first obvious place would be your local library, which I think is the most important institution of our time. There are some lovely“free bookstores” online such as Project Gutenberg and Bartleby, which provide free e-books.

They show a different way of life from another time

Older books are valuable because they show life from another time.3. .Everyone knows about these stories. Each book has a tale to tell from that point in history. In this sense, reading an old book is almost like visiting an interpretative museum.

4.old classical books have stood out of time, but new books are still in a contemporary period with readers. "The ages bear evidence to the accuracy of their ideas, "Michael Hyatt writes about old books.5..There is no test for old novels to pass because the best ones have been passed on by many generations.

A.You'll remember it forever

B.They don't need to prove themselves

C.It doesn't mean it has lost its relevance

D.There are many ways to find these free books

E.Here's why old classic books stand out from new books

F.Ideas constantly float through our heads daily, but the best stand the test of time

G.Many books are stories or fairy tales from the past, like Beowulf and To Kill a Mockingbird

