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Are you familiar with the greeting, "Can I add you on WeChat?" It seems like every time we meet new friends or colleagues nowadays, the first thing that springs to mind is adding each other on the app. Nevertheless, more than 80 percent of WeChat users report feeling stressed or anxious when they receive a large number of messages, according to a study done recently by the app's developer Tencent (腾讯). In other words, WeChat can overwhelm (使应接不暇) us, while also breaking down the boundaries between our work and private lives.

Just think how easy it is now for bosses to hand out assignments during the holiday, so long as they have your WeChat contact. When you're at the cinema enjoying a romantic movie or having a barbecue in the backyard, you can never cut yourself off from the outside world unless you switch off your phone. Not to post something in WeChat Moments before replying to your boss first!

Apart from interrupting your leisure time, WeChat can also reduce your productivity at work. For many office workers, logging in to WeChat on their computers at the start of the day has become routine. But what if browsing the Moments distracts us from doing the work? The app steals our time without us even noticing it, making us have the false belief that we are busy all the time.

And as if that weren't bad enough, there're the "one-off" friends who take up space on our WeChat friend list. A handy way to check how many one-off friends you have is to take a look at your chat history with them. Sometimes, you only sent the initial friend requests so you could invite them to a WeChat group or inform them of something for your boss. Yet still, as your friend count (好友数量) ever goes up, it can make you feel the need to post selfies (自拍) and share details of your life in your Moments, just so you can stay up to date.

With WeChat, all our spare time is swallowed up by the constant torrent of messages and our attention keeps getting diverted by Moments and pop-up ads. So it's time that we should do something to nip this problem in the bud.

1.What is most of WeChat users' reaction when receiving a mass of messages?

A.They are quite upset. B.They think it's unavoidable.

C.They break down. D.They complain about Tencent.

2.Which of the following may make your boss angry according to Paragraph 2?

A.Enjoying a movie at the weekend.

B.Posting something in WeChat Moments.

C.Having a barbecue on vacation.

D.Ignoring the assignment he handed out when seeing it.

3.How can we decide who is the one-off friend on our WeChat friend list?

A.By checking if you sent the initial friend request.

B.By seeing if your boss asked you to inform him of something.

C.By having a look at your chat record.

D.By counting the number of your friends on the list.

4.What can be a suitable title for this text?

A.Is WeChat becoming a necessity in our life?

B.Are WeChat friend requests ruining your life?

C.Does your boss want to be your WeChat friend?

D.Is it better to have more WeChat friends?

