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Focusing in class really proves to teachers that you are a capable student but it also shows that you have got a solid level of self-control, which will be very important in your future life.

Get a good night’s sleep. Students should get at least nine hours of sleep each night. However, it’s hard to maintain those good sleep habits. Set a bedtime routine, and go to bed at the same hour each night. Your mind will not be able to concentrate if it’s not rested...it needs a break!

Eat a healthy breakfast. Although this may seem irrelevant to focusing during class, eating a nutritious meal in the morning gives you fresh energy for the day. If you consume a big meal, you’ll feel better throughout the day.

Get involved in class discussions. This is a wonderful way to become a more focused, successful student. When a teacher asks a question, offer to answer it. This shows the teacher that you’re listening carefully during the class.

Do your best. When you walk into that classroom, put a smile on your face and some confidence in your pocket.

Listen to music during your break. It is very refreshing and it can clear your mind between subjects, which could improve your productivity. But don’t get too carried away with the music.


Keep away from your more talkative friends. They can often distract you from your work.

Don’t stare at the teacher for too long. This might not let you work properly. In short, look at the teacher, but don’t overdo it.

1. to focus more in class


Get a good sleep.

Although it’s a 3. to maintain those good sleep habits, you should make it a 4. to go to bed at the same hour each night.

Eat a healthy breakfast.

Eating a nutritious meal in the morning makes you 5. for the day.

6. yourself in class discussions.

This is a wonderful way to become a more focused, successful student.

Do your best.

Enter the classroom with smile and 7..

Listen to music.

Music is refreshing and makes you more 8..


9. your more talkative friends.

Don’t 10. your eyes on the teacher for too long.

