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It was in four decades of nursing that I'd had such a terrible problem with a colleague. Rita seemed to look down upon me and I had no idea why. Every _______ I expressed had the opposite effect. Our relationship was so impossibly _______ that I didn't even pray about it.

It is eight years since I _______ from nursing, and certainly retired from ever thinking about that _______ coworker. A pandemic (流行病) had _______ us all like a ton of bricks and even my town of Huntington had sold out of protective masks. I _______ for a box of hospital-grade masks I had left over. Well, I didn’t find the masks, _______ I found some old, unopened mail----a Christmas card ----I’d _______ placed near some reference materials a year ago. That kind of thing is always a _______ to find, but the return address was Florida and I couldn't ________ who I knew there.

I opened the envelope and read the card in ________ ----it was from Rita. ''Please ________ me for being such a mean person. '' she wrote. A ________ of love and forgiveness washed over me. I’m not really a(n) ________ because of a problem with my hands, but there at 11:30 p.m., I typed out an emotional message ________ her that there was no cause for concern, no need for forgiveness ________ there is only love and gratitude for the mercy and miracles of God. In a matter of seconds, I ________ a text back. Rita was over the moon with ________. She said that this reconciliation(和解) and my physical healing had been her ________ prayer. That was ________, I thought, but then again with God nothing is really ever that unexpected, is it?

1.A.kindness B.quarrel C.apology D.interest

2.A.special B.close C.bad D.casual

3.A.hid B.retired C.suffered D.heard

4.A.merciful B.elegant C.grateful D.troublesome

5.A.hit B.violated C.guided D.teased

6.A.made B.paid C.searched D.answered

7.A.and B.so C.or D.but

8.A.politely B.unconsciously C.directly D.annually

9.A.treat B.conflict C.disaster D.reward

10.A.agree on B.figure out C.look into D.deal with

11.A.astonishment B.craziness C.disappointment D.sadness

12.A.blame B.punish C.forgive D.applaud

13.A.roll B.glance C.copy D.wave

14.A.doctor B.editor C.texter D.educator

15.A.convincing B.informing C.instructing D.warning

16.A.unless B.while C.until D.because

17.A.reviewed B.received C.rewrote D.recognized

18.A.joy B.sorrow C.anxiety D.frustration

19.A.initial B.absurd C.constant D.unique

20.A.unaffected B.reliable C.ordinary D.unexpected

